Sunday 19 December 2010

Dr Hicran Kazancı visited ITF Tuzhurmatu office.

19 December 2010, Sunday

Iraqi Turkmen Front Turkey Representative Hicran Kazancı visited ITF Tuzhurmatu office.

Dr. Hicran Kazancı was welcomed by ITF Selahattin Province Head and Province assembly member Ali Haşim Muhtaroğlu, Selahattin Province Assembly President Niyazi Mimaroğlu in addition to various officials of the Front. During the visit, the situation of the Turkmen in Tuzhurmatu was discussed alongside the works of Iraqi Turkmen Front officials Ali Haşim Muhtaroğlu and Niyazi Mimaroğlu.

It was stated that the efforts put into the development of Turkmen regions and particularly Tuzhurmatu were appreciated by everyone. In addition, the Turkmeneli regions in general and the recent political and security developments in Turhurmatu district in particular were reviewed during the meeting.

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