Sunday 25 May 2008


My first blog ‘European Turkmen Friendships’ was LOCKED by Blogger on 21st May 2008, please see:

Today I am still waiting for ‘a human being’ to unlock my non-spam blog which was locked by ‘the robots’…

I thank Paola for posting my message on Uruknet.

I am very grateful to the Chairman of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Michael Napier

and Prof Abid Almaini who have kindly offered to host my blog.

I thank Layla, Hana, Gabriele, Hussein, Latuff, Gilles, Mary, and all those who advised me to open a new blog with WordPress (where I shall eventually transfer my blog’s contents).

I also thank Desert Peace, Herman, and all those who have sent me messages.

Desert Peace’s message was: “Don’t let them shut you up ever! We are in this struggle together and together we shall win!”


thecutter said...

Don't give up! I had my blog locked for ages, it was the number two blog on Palestine. It gave them enough time to get me off the radar.

I had to mirror everything, then open a sites all over, store it in various computers around the world, and eventually, open a full blown site, which is actually doing well for only being 2 weeks old. It's gotten all the old readers back and then some, but being a site is a major increase in work and time.

Stick to your guns and don't lose faith. Anyway, we have to try now to get Uruk back on Google news... Haitham has a plan and we will get it on the road in a week or so.

BLUE WOMAN said...

The Cutter,

Thanks for your words of encouragement. I shall not give up, the more we are to denounce neocon-zionist crimes the better.

I'm still struggling to copy/transfer the contents of my first blog to WordPress...

I trust your plan to get Uruk back on Google news will succeed, it's an indispensable website to keep informed about Iraq and Palestine.

Keep up the good work!