Saturday, 31 May 2008


COMMUNIQUE FROM PHILIPPE MAHOUX, Senator and President of the Socialist Group at the Belgian Senate

« Un pas immense »


Le combat continue…

Ce jeudi 29 mai, à Dublin, 111 pays viennent de se mettre d'accord pour interdire les bombes à sous-munitions.Le texte de l'accord ne prévoit aucune exception à cette interdiction.

C'est une grande victoire de tous ceux, dont vous êtes, qui combattent les « armes des lâches ».

Le combat continue pour convaincre les pays récalcitrants comme les Etats-Unis, la Chine, la Russie, Israël, l'Inde et le Pakistan de rejoindre notre démarche humanitaire.

Restons mobilisés !

Philippe MAHOUX, Sénateur PS et Président du Groupe socialiste du Sénat de Belgique

"A huge step forward"


The fight goes on…

This Thursday 29 May, in Dublin, 111 countries have just agreed to ban cluster bombs.The text of the agreement does not provide for any exceptions to this prohibition.This constitutes a huge victory for all those, and I know I can count you among this number, who are combating these "cowardly weapons".

The challenge remains to convince those countries that have not yet agreed to this ban such as the United States, China, Russia, Israel, India and Pakistan to join in our humanitarian resolution.

Let's keep fighting !

Philippe MAHOUX, Senator and President of the Socialist Group at the Belgian Senate

“Un paso inmenso”


La lucha continúa…

El jueves 29 de mayo, 111 países alcanzaron en Dublín un acuerdo sobre una prohibición de las bombas de racimo.El texto del acuerdo no recoge ninguna excepción a dicha prohibición.

Es una gran victoria para todas las personas que, al igual que ustedes, combaten las “armas de los cobardes”.

La lucha continúa para convencer a los países reacios como Estados Unidos, China, Rusia, Israel, India y Pakistán para que se unan a nuestra iniciativa humanitaria.

¡ Sigamos movilizados !

Philippe MAHOUX, Senador PS y Presidente del Grupo socialista del senado belga

« Ein gewaltiger Schritt »


Der Kampf geht weiter…

Am heutigen Donnerstag, den 29. Mai sind 111 Länder in Dublin sich über das Verbot von Streubomben einig geworden.

Der Vereinbarungstext sieht keine Ausnahme von diesem Verbot vor.Es ist ein großer Sieg aller, die wie Sie die « Waffen der Feiglinge » bekämpfen.Der Kampf geht weiter, um auch die widerspenstigen Länder wie die USA, China, Russland, Israel, Indien und Pakistan davon zu überzeugen, sich unserem humanitären Ansatz anzuschließen.

Der Kampf geht weiter !

Philippe MAHOUX, PS-Senator und Vorsitzender der Sozialistischen Fraktion im Senat von Belgien

« Een enorme stap »


De strijd duurt voort…

Op donderdag 29 mei hebben 111 landen een akkoord bereikt om bommen met submunitie te verbieden.

De tekst van het akkoord voorziet geen enkele uitzondering op dit verbod.Dit is een grote overwinning voor al diegenen, waaronder u, die strijd voeren tegen « laffe wapens ».De strijd duurt voort, zeker omdat we ook weerbarstige landen zoals de Verenigde Staten, China, Rusland, Israël, India en Pakistan willen overtuigen om mee voor onze humanitaire weg te kiezen.

We moeten gemobiliseerd blijven !

Philippe MAHOUX, PS-Senator en Fractievoorzitter van de PS in de Belgische Senaat

Friday, 30 May 2008

Barzani's connection to Al-Quaeda in Mosul

By : Roads to Iraq

May 27, 2008

I reported few days ago that Al-Qaeda in Mosul is the creation of the Kurdish officials in Barzani’s PDK, Al-Akhbar gives a full details of this connection [interesting you can't find this in the western media]:

Confessions of the detainees revealed that the death-squad group is connected to the Kurdish officials in Mosul province. The government tried to keep this information confidential after Barzani’s request but security forces leaked the information.

May 21, 2008
Guess What? There is no al-Qaeda in Mosul

In his last fresh interview on Al-Watan newspaper, Harith Al-Dhari Head of the Association of Muslim Scholars] keeps the same attitude on the question about the fight in Basra [and later in Sadr-City] blaming all groups saying it is a power struggle between Shiites parties, and the Sadrists helped Maliki to obtain his post.

This attitude is criticized by Iraqi writer Al-Lami saying:
It is clear that the AMSI represented by Al-Dahri is timing its statement to settle old disputes with the Sadrists trend, at the when the government attacked and slaughtered the Sadrists AMSI statements came similar to the statements used by Dawa Party and Supreme Council.

Reported two days ago and the news confirmed by many newspapers, it seems that the person who is leading Al-Qaeda [or so called Al-Qaeda] is the Kurdish, governor’s deputy Khisro Qoran who is a member of Barazani’s party:

The confessions of three suspects revealed the connection between the governor’s deputy Qoran and death squads groups targeting former Ba’athists and high educated academics, Christian clerics, the suspects revealed that Qoran runs the death squads for three years and had connection with Al-Qaeda in Mosul.

More information on Okaz:
Iraqi MP al-Nujaifi revealed that information of the size and effectivness of Al-Qaeda organization in Mosul were highly exaggerated…Mosul is an old target for the Kurds to seize some of its area to their own region in Kurdistan.

So this is the scenario, Kurdish militia for three started the violence operations of killings, kidnaps and bombing to push the Americans [or Maliki] to get involved in a military operation in Mosul, by this the Kurds can “officially” seize parts of Mosul to their own region.

Video: White Phosphorus Anger: Could Fallujah Bombing Be Behind Birth Defects?

Three-year-old Fatima Ahmed burdened with two heads on her tiny frame

By Lisa Holland

Please click on the link below to watch the video:

Did US Army Cause Iraq Birth Defects?

Updated:07:32, Thursday May 29, 2008

Families in the Iraqi city of Fallujah are calling for an investigation into their claims of a rise in the number of birth defects.

They have raised concerns about the weapons used by American forces in 2004 - when Fallujah suffered one of the heaviest bombardments of the entire war in Iraq.

The evidence is anecdotal because there are no records from the era of Saddam Hussein to compare their stories against.

But Hikmat Tawfeeq, deputy chairman of the Fallujah-based human rights group Alakhiyar said: "We have around 200 cases of deformities recorded by our society. Most of these cases are birth deformities which have arisen after the bombing of Fallujah."

Campaigners say officials are reluctant to speak out publicly, but at Fallujah's children's hospital one doctor told Sky News in the past month she has seen one or two cases of birth deformities every day.

An opthalmologist said he deals with four or five cases of newborn babies every week suffering from some form of eye deformity - and that has risen in the last two years.

At one of the cemeteries in Fallujah, undertaker Mahmoud Hummadi said he usually buries four to five bodies of newborns every day and most of them are deformed.

Fallujah today still bears the scars of a time when it represented the backbone of the Sunni insurgency - a power-base America decided it had to break.

April and November 2004 saw some of the heaviest bombardments of the war in Iraq, including the controversial use of white phosphorous.

It is a highly flammable material which ignites when it comes into contact with oxygen, causing severe burns.

In a statement to Sky News the US military said it had used white phosphorus in Fallujah but primarily as a smokescreen and not as an incendiary weapon.

The families say doctors have raised concerns to them about what kinds of materials were used by the Americans in order to achieve their military goals.

Fatima Ahmed is three years old. Small and lifeless she barely moves, burdened by two heads on her tiny frame.

Her mother Shukriya says doctors have been unable to diagnose exactly what has caused Fatima's condition.

But her father Jassim, when asked who he held responsible for his daughter's condition, said: "It's because of the war - it's the flagrant aggression they launched against us. What they dropped in Fallujah God knows."

We showed our findings from Fallujah to Alastair Hay, a professor of environmental toxicology at Leeds University.

He is currently investigating injuries caused to children during the war in Iraq. He says without an independent medical study it is impossible to say for sure what has caused the deformities and how they may be linked.

But he says there has never been a study examining if there ARE links between white phosphorus and birth deformities.

:: Article nr. 44468 sent on 30-may-2008




'05/28/2008 06:05 PM

Germany's CDU Interested in Accepting Refugees from Iraq

Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats on Wednesday said they would like to see Germany take on thousands of refugees from Iraq. The hitch? They only want the Christians.

If the CDU has its way, Iraqi Christians like this family may soon be on their way to Germany.
For months, ethnic violence has been on the ebb in war-torn Iraq. But that has done little to ease the pressure of over 2 million refugees seeking shelter in neighboring Syria and Jordan. Indeed, for many of them -- particularly those once part of Iraq's Christian minority -- going back may never be an option.

On Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party said it would like to see Germany do its part to help out. At a press conference in Berlin, parliamentarian Erika Steinbach, the CDU's human rights spokeswoman, said her party wanted to see Germany accept thousands of Iraqi refugees. In particular, she said, the CDU wants to extend its welcoming hand to Iraqis who have suffered religious persecution in Iraq. In particular, that means the Christians.

"One would be doing a good thing were a long-term solution to be found," Steinbach said.
According to Steinbach, the CDU envisions bringing a large group (possibly as many as 10,000) of non-Muslim refugees to Germany with the understanding that they would not be treated as asylum seekers. Asylum seekers are not allowed to work in Germany, and Steinbach said that it is unrealistic to think that Christian refugees from Iraq would ever be able to return. For this reason, their ultimate integration in Germany should be supported.

Members of Yazidis and Mandaean religious minorities would also be among those allowed in, according to the party's proposal. The CDU argues that, in contrast to Muslim refugees from Iraq, religious persecution makes it unlikely that Christians, Yazidis and Mandaeans would ever by able to return.

Whether the United Nations refugee agency UNHCR would agree to the CDU plan, however, is unclear. As a rule, the UNHCR is unwilling to divide up refugees for resettlement based on their religious beliefs. Deputy CDU floor leader Arnold Vaatz, though, said on Wednesday that he would like to see the UNHCR take the issue of possible return into consideration. Such a criterion could open the door for Germany to accept a group of refugees that was overwhelmingly non-Muslim.

The CDU's coalition partners, the Social Democrats, have yet to commit to the plan. The final decision on accepting refugees from Iraq would be made by interior ministers from Germany's 16 federal states.

The CDU is hoping that other countries in Europe will show a willingness to accept more refugees from Iraq at an EU meeting of interior and justice ministers next week. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki will be in Stockholm on Thursday for a UN conference on the Iraqi refugee crisis. Sweden has long shouldered more than its share of the refugee burden in Europe and has long asked other EU countries to up the numbers they accepted.

"Sweden has done very much of the job and less has been done by others, and I think that basically that's wrong," Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt told the AP on Tuesday.

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Brüksel'de Azerbaycan'ın 90.bağımsızlık günü kutlandı....

Azerbaycan Büyükelçisi Emin Eyübov, eşi sefire Lale Eyübov
The Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Fuat TANLAY, with other distinguised guests

Photos by : Burak Özdemir of BelTürk


Azerbaycan Bağımsızlık günü Belçika´nın başkenti Brüksel´de de düzenlenen bir resepsiyonla kutlandı. Başkent Brüksel´de bulunan Hilton otelinde düzenlenen resepsiyona başta Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Brüksel Büyükelçisi Fuat Tanlay olmak üzere, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti temsilcisi Yalçın Vehit, NATO nezdinde askeri temsilcimiz Yılmaz Oğuz, Kurmay Albay Sadık Akyar, Irak Türkmen Cephesi temsilcileri Dr. Hasan Aydınlı ve Merry Fitzgerald, Koordinasyon kurulu başkanı Enver Arslan ve asbaşkan Kenan Dağgün, Bakü´den gelen öğrenciler, Kafkas Araştırmalar ve Strateji merkezi başkanı Araz Aslanlı, ve Azeri Türk Kadınlar Birliği Avrupa temsilcisi Şerife Özdemir, yabancı misyon şefleri dernek temsilcileri ve çeşitli ülkelerden diplomatlar katıldı.

Azerbaycan Büyükelçisi Emin Eyübov, eşi sefire Lale Eyübov ve NATO nezdindeki Büyükelçi Kamil Khasiyev ve eşi Leyla Khasiyev gelen konukları tek tek kapıda karşılarken, Emin Eyübov bir açılış konuşması yaparak resepsiyonu başlattı.

İlk olarak sahne alan ikisi kız 4 miniğin Azeri danslarından sundukları örnekler tüm davetliler tarafından büyük beğeni kazanırken Azerbaycanlı caz sanatçılarının da canlı performansları takdir edildi. Geçtiğimiz sene içerisinde Brüksel´de bir de konser veren Azerbaycan´ın sevilen sanatçısı Tünzela ise ´ALA GÖZLÜM´ isimli parçayı seslendirerek başladığı mini konserinde birbirinden güzel Azerbaycan ezgilerini başarı ile icra etti.

Biz de Beltürk olarak kardeş ülke Azeribaycan´ın bağımsızlık gününü kutluyoruz.

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

59th EU-TURKEY Joint Parliamentary Committee Mtg in Brussels

Turkish MPs and Foreign Minister on reforms, accession prospects - and Cyprus
Relations extérieures - 28-05-2008 - 18:28

Secularism, freedom of speech and Cyprus were among the issues debated at meetings between MEPs and Turkish MPs on Tuesday and Wednesday. The 59th EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee Meeting discussed ongoing reform efforts in Turkey, the state of accession negotiations, and foreign affairs. Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan and Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn were among the participants.

"Turkey is a focal point for its geographic position," said co-Chair Yasar Yakis, who is the Chair of the Turkish National Assembly's EU Integration Committee, adding that Turkey "can give impetus to Europe’s economy once it joins the EU." From the EP side, co-Chair Joost Lagendijk (Greens/EFA, NL) noted that there have been "a lot of misunderstandings in recent months between European and Turkish parliamentarians," explaining that the goal of such Joint Parliamentary Committees (JPCs) was to make sure that the discourses connect, and such misunderstandings can be brought into the open, if not necessarily solved.

Accession negotiations

Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said his country was committed to EU membership, and warned that "if we were to lose the target of EU membership, we would have trouble keeping the momentum for reform." "Privileged partnerships, or other forms of association are not acceptable to us," he added, warning that some EU Member States seem to want to prevent Turkey from achieving its aims. He added that "while we are asked to give concrete dates for reforms, there has been no date hinted at for a deadline for Turkish accession to the EU." Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn said "it was always clear that for Turkey, accession negotiations were never going to be a fast-track procedure," adding that the fundamental principle of all enlargements was that "the pace of negotiations depends on reform and especially implementation" in the candidate states.

The author of the Parliament's report on Turkey, adopted at last week's plenary session, Ria Oomen-Ruijten (EPP-ED, NL), said "when Turkey becomes a modern country where the rule of law prevails, and all individual freedoms are respected, it will be a prosperous place with social cohesion." She nevertheless warned that "the EU once gave a date for accession to two countries, Bulgaria and Romania, and very much regretted doing so." "The EU," she said, "would most likely not do so again," adding that "you don't need a date in order to affect reforms."

Political reforms in Turkey: freedom of expression; the AKP closure case

Several MEPs asked about the recent amendment of Article 301 (of the Turkish penal code on "insults to Turkishness"), noting that the revised law still does not guarantee freedom of expression as understood by the EU. Mr Babacan replied: "The approach taken to the Article is more important than the actual words," of the current legislation, as "the change made is at least a sign which shows that our Parliament is not satisfied with the current situation in Turkey."

Marios Matsakis (ALDE, CY) asked about the court case against the ruling AKP party, warning that a decision to ban the party "would spell the end of accession negotiations for Turkey." The Foreign Minister replied that the AKP did not want to increase tensions in Turkey by submitting a constitutional amendment to the Parliament on this issue, which could lift the basis for the legal case. He nevertheless said that he "hopes this subject will soon be off Turkey's agenda," so that the reform plans can continue.

Cyprus the main focus of Foreign Affairs Committee in exchange of views with Babacan

On Wednesday, the Foreign Minister also appeared before the EP's Foreign Affairs Committee, where MEPs concentrated on Turkey's immediate neighbourhood. Hannes Swoboda (PES, AT) asked why Armenian-Turkish relations have not improved, István Szent-Iványi (ALDE, HU) urged Mr Babacan to respect the territorial sovereignty of Iraq, and Chairman Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (EPP-ED, PL) asked about Turkey's energy policy, especially concerning the Nabucco pipeline. Mr Babacan replied that his government had contacted the Armenian authorities and were hoping for official contacts in the near future, and assured MEPs that Turkey was respecting the sovereignty of Iraq, and "only targeting terrorists from the PKK in Northern Iraq." On Nabucco, he said his government supported the project, but the involvement of so many countries made progress much slower than expected.

The largest number of questions to the Foreign Minister concerned Cyprus. Ioannis Kasoulides (EPP-ED, CY) asked about the implementation of the Ankara Protocol (requiring access to Turkish ports and airports for all EU Member States, including Cyprus), while others wondered about the ongoing negotiations for the future of the island. Mr Babacan replied that on the Ankara Protocol, Turkey "has a different interpretation about the meaning of the protocol," but that a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus issue would automatically solve its problems. He urged MEPs to "give full support to the process on the island, since the window of opportunity may not stay open forever," and noted that Turkey has an official "guarantor role on the island," including "responsibility for the security of the people there," and intends to live up to this responsibility.

Chair, Committee on Foreign Affairs : Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (EPP-ED, PL)
Co-chair, EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee : Joost Lagendijk (Greens/EFA, NL)
Co-chair, EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee : Yasar Yakis (Turkish National Assembly)

Babacan: O teröristi salondan çıkarmazsanız konuşmam

Türkiye’nin PKK’yla mücadelesinde “destek değil köstek” olan Avrupa’dan son salvo; Avrupalı Parlamenterler, Türk Dışişleri Bakanı ile, Türkiye’nin interpol kırmızı bülteniyle aradığı PKK üst düzey yöneticisini, aynı salonda, üstelik Avrupa Parlamentosu’nun çatısı altında bir araya getirmeye kalktılar.

Türkiye’nin kırmızı bültenle aradığı PKK’lı Gülabi Dere’nin Avrupalı Parlamenterlerle birlikte tezgahladığı tuzak, Dışişleri Bakanı Ali Babacan’ın Türk diplomatlar tarafından uyarılması ile aşıldı. Olay, Babacan’ın AB toplantıları için gittiği Brüksel’de yaşandı. Brüksel’de dün, Türkiye ile AB arasında iki toplantı vardı. Bunlardan ilki, Türk Dışişleri Bakanı’nın AB Dışişleri Bakanları ile AB Komisyon binasında bir araya geldiği, “Türkiye-AB Ortaklık Konseyi toplantısı” idi.

Komisyon binasının biraz ilerisinde, Avrupa Parlamentosu binasında ise, Türk ve Avrupalı milletvekillerinin katılımıyla, “Türkiye-Avrupa Parlamentosu karma komisyon toplantısı” gerçekleştiriliyordu.
Babacan, Dışişleri Bakanlarıyla toplantısının tamamlanmasının ardından, milletvekillerinin toplantısına da katılıp, bir konuşma yapmak üzere Avrupa Parlamentosu binasına geçti. İşte skandal da burada ortaya çıktı; Avrupalı vekiller, Babacan’ın da katılıp bir konuşma yapacağı toplantıya, Türkiye’nin kırmızı bültenle aradığı PKK’nın yurtdışındaki ele başlarından Gülabi Dere’yi de davet etmişlerdi.

Brüksel polisi de, kırmızı bültenle aranan Dere’yi değil tutuklamak, normal insanların bile izinsiz alınmadığı, pek çok arama ve güvenlik soruşturmasından sonra girebildiği Avrupa Parlamentosu’na kabul etmişti.
Amaç, Türkiye Dışişleri Bakanı ile PKK’lı teröristi aynı salonda bir araya getirip, terör örgütüne bir şekilde “tanınma” sağlamaya çalışmaktı. Babacan daha Avrupa Parlamentosu salonuna girer girmez, Türk diplomatlar tarafından uyarıldı. Türk Dışişleri Bakanı, AP’deki muhataplarına, PKK’lı terörist Dere ile aynı salonda bulunmasının mümkün olamayacağını söyledi;

Dere salonda olduğu sürece, girmeyeceğini ve konuşma yapmayacağını bildirdi. Avrupa Parlamentosu yetkilileri, Babacan’a “Gülabi Dere, salonda sadece 15 dakika kalıp çıkacak” gibi bir de “traji komik” açıklama yapmaya çalıştılar.
Babacan’ın buna karşı tavrı değişmedi ve “o şahıs orada olduğu sürece, o salona girmem” ısrarını sürdürdü. Bunun üzerine, Avrupa Parlamentosu yetkilileri, salondaki Dere’yi “ikna etmeye” çalıştılar. Terörist, önce çıkmak istemedi, ancak daha sonra, “bir şekilde” salondan ayrılmaya “ikna edildi.”


Gülabi Dere'nin çıkmasının ardında, Avrupa Parlamentosu toplantı salonuna giren Babacan, konuşmasını yaptı. Ancak Babacan, konuşmasında sert bir ton kullanarak, “senin töriristin, benim teröristim olmaz”


Tuesday, 27 May 2008

News from Kerkuk

A driver of an ambulance and a civilian were injured when a roadside bomb exploded in Tuz Khurmatu town south of Kirkuk on Monday morning.

A source in the Kurdish security forces (Asayish) said that a bomb exploded near the house of a Turkmen teacher in al Askari neighborhood in downtown Tuz Khurmatu south of Kirkuk city on Monday morning.

A source in the Iraqi army said that a force of the Iraqi army raided on Monday morning al Rashad area west Kirkuk city and arrested a person that is called the prince of the Iraqi Islamic state in that area.

Brüksel'de 'Azerbaycan Barış Melekleri' büyüledi...

For photos please click on the link below:

Brüksel'de 'Azerbaycan Barış Melekleri' büyüledi...

Azerbaycan´ın bağımsızlığa kavuşmasının 90. yılı münasebeti ile Brüksel´de Haydar Aliyev Fonu ve Azerbaycan Turizm ve Medeniyet Bakanlığı tarafından düzenlenen etkinliklerin ilki Wolubilis Tiyatrosu´nda düzenlenen bir konserle başladı.

Azerbaycan Barış Melekleri isimli Devlet Gençlik Senfoni orkestrası ve korosunun birbirinden yetenekli gençleri klasik batı müziğinin ve Azerbaycan milli müzik ve danslarının en seçkin örneklerini davetlilere sundular.

Azerbaycan Büyükelçisi Eyüp Eyübov´un açılış konuşmasının ardından şef Teymür Goychayev idaresindeki orkestra ve koro Beethoven´in meşhur 9. senfonisinin final kısmını seslendirdiler. Ardından sahne alan genç tar sanatçısı Mustafa Ashurov orkestra ile birlikte seslendirdiği 2 eserle salonda büyük beğeni topladı.

13 yaşında ki viyola sanatçısı Jeyla Seyidova ise seslendirdiği eserlerin zorluğuna rağmen hiçbir falso ses basmaması ve duygulu icrası ile büyük beğeni topladı. Konserin en şirin solisti ise hiç şüphesiz küçük yaşına rağmen ustaca kullandığı gırtlağı ve makam bilgisi ile küçük hanende Elmaddin İbrahimov oldu. Özellikle okuduğu uzun havada ki gırtlak nağmeleri değme sanatçılara taş çıkartacak cinstendi.

Konserde ayrıca Narmin Najafli, Elvin Khoja Ganiyev, Nihad Orujov, Aydan Rustamova, İsmail Yunusov,Nijat Mammadov, Gunel Sadigova, Anar Seyidov, Abbas Abdullayev ses ve sazları ile, genç halk dansçıları Akif Kerimli, Zamina Sadigzade ve Khamiz Jafarov ise dansları ile büyük beğeni topladı.


BRAVISSIMO "Goodwill Angels of Azerbaijan" !

Piano and violin soloists

Mugham Trio performing

Teymur GOYCHAYEV, the Artistic Director and Conductor of the Azerbaijan Children's Symphonic Orchestra

With the Azeri flag

Picture of the piano and violin soloists

Young dancers

The Choir

NATO nezdindeki Büyükelçi Kamil Khasiyev

With the Azerbaijani Ambassador at NATO, Mr. Kamil Khasiyev

Brussels, 26th May 2008 -
For the celebration of the 90th Anniversary of the Democratic Republic of AZERBAIJAN we received and invitation from the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Brussels to the Concert of the Azerbaijan Children's State Symphony Orchestra and Choir called "Goodwill Angels of Azerbaijan" at the Wolubilis Theatre in Brussels.

The Artistic Director and Conductor of the Children's Symphonic Orchestra is Mr Teymur Goychayev and the Choir Leader is Ms. Dilara Aliyeva.

The performance of these young and talented Azerbaijani musicians, singers and dancers was simply MAGNIFICENT.

The violin, piano, flute, trumpet and trombone soloists were brilliant, true virtuosos!

BRAVISSIMO to Narmin Najafli, Jeyla Seyidova, Gunel Sadigova, Nidjat Mammadov, Elvin Khoja Ganiyev and ALL the musicians of the orchestra!

One of the young singers, Nihad Orujov, is only eight years old, but what a voice and what a presence on stage! He sang "O sole mio' (Napolitan song) together with Aydan Rustamova (born in 1994) and Ismail Yunusov (born in 1995).

The 11-year old Elmaddin Ibrahimov's performance was breathtaking, no wonder he won the first place and the title of laureate in the Azeri National Mugham Competition. He has also been included in the List of "Golden Book" of Azerbaijan young talents. He was the soloist in the trio with Mustafa Ashurov (tar) and Abbas Abullayeve (kamancha) they ravished us with Mugham "Karabakh shikastasi" and Azerbaijan folk song "Mountains of Shusha".

The public loved the traditional Azeri dances which were performed by four young dancers dressed in splendid Azeri costumes.

Some of the works on the programme:

Fragment of L.V. Beethoven's 9 symphony (final)
U. Hajibeyov, overture to "Koroglu" Opera
T. Guliyev "Morning song"
"The beauty of the mountains" dance
F. Chopin "Fantasy-impromptu cis moll"
U. Hajibeyov, overture to musical comedy "Arshin mal alan"
G. Sviridov "Long song" and "Waltz"
Vivaldi's "Gloria"
Dance from Tchaikovsky's "Shelkunchik" ballet
Handel's "Alleluia"
Bizet's "Carmen-fantasy"
J. Strauss "Hunter Polka"
"Djigit's dance"
V. Jumans "Tea for two"
L. Dentsa "Swing"
G. Garayev "March"

The Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan had also organized an Exhibition of works of young Azeri painters (age 5-15) during this event.

A big thank you to the "Goodwill Angels of Azerbaijan" for transporting us to paradise during two hours last night!

See also: YeniHaber (in Turkish) at :

Monday, 26 May 2008

An "expert's" bias and misinformation

Kerkuk: The Iraqi Turkmens' Capital city and main Cultural Centre

In an article published in Zaman called: “ICG expert: “Kirkuk deal could serve both Turks, Kurds” ICG expert Joost R. Hiltermann makes some biased declarations and is misinforming his readers.

Note how he uses the word “regain” when he speaks of Iraqi Kurds wanting to “regain” Kerkuk.
As if Kerkuk had been a Kurdish city in the past and belonged to the Kurds!

Then he declares: “The Kurdish parties and most other communities in Kirkuk have not resorted to violence.”

This is a lie, everyone knows that the Kurdish parties (with their armed militias, the Peshmerga) used force and ill-treated the Turkmens and Arabs in Kerkuk when they penetrated into the city in April 2003 to impose their hegemony against the will of the Turkmen, Arab and Assyrian inhabitants of the city.

But it is true to affirm that the Turkmens, who do not have armed militias, have never resorted to violence.

Mr. Hiltermann, as an expert, should know that:

On 10th April 2003, hundreds of Peshmerga forces from the PUK entered Kerkuk with the blessing of the U.S. authorities (in defiance of a prior agreement with the U.S. stating that the Peshmerga forces would remain outside the city) they invaded the Land Registry office, municipality buildings, government offices, military buildings, big hotels and historical military barracks (built in the Ottoman era and used as a museum) they put fire to them after having stolen all the land deeds from the Land Registry office. The Kurdish parties’ militias also looted shops and houses belonging to Turkmens.

They destroyed and burnt Kerkuk’s central library which contained valuable historical books and they brought a Kurdish family from Turkey to occupy the library.

The Kurds stole thousands of all types of government vehicles, luxury cars, buses and shuffles. A large number of private cars were confiscated and stolen in front of their Turkmen and Arab owners. Thousands of heavy transporting vehicles, trucks, ambulances and Iraqi governmental cars were taken away by the Kurds, later they dismantled them and sold them as spare parts.
They also removed and dismantled high voltage transformers and pylons to sell them as scrap. Kurds looted the governmental supermarket ‘Sooq al-Markazi’ in Kerkuk and later put fire to it.

The Kurds provoked the Turkmen, Arab and Assyrian communities in Kerkuk by raising Kurdish flags on all government buildings. They even hoisted the Kurdish flag on private Turkmen properties. They changed the names of governmental buildings from Arabic to Kurdish and they illegally appointed a non-elected Kurdish governor in Kerkuk. They changed the names of most of Kerkuk’s streets and hospitals replacing them by Kurdish names.

Kurds threatened Arab families who had been living in Kerkuk for over a decade and forced them to leave the city.

See Mr Mofak Salman Kerkuklu’s book: “TURKMEN OF IRAQ
In which the exactions committed by the Kurds in Kerkuk and other cities in the north of Iraq are exposed in detail (with many photographs).

Article published in Zaman:

ICG expert: Kirkuk deal could serve both Turks, Kurds

26 May 2008, Monday.

Joost R. Hiltermann, deputy Middle East and North Africa program director of the International Crisis Group (ICG), a nongovernmental organization dedicated to conflict prevention, said the Iraqi Kurdish administration would be of more help in Turkey's fight against Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorism if only they could get concessions on Kirkuk; however, this is a "zero-sum game" which could be turned into a "win-win situation.

Iraqi Kurds want to regain Kirkuk, and they know that the main obstacle to that ambition is Turkey. So why would they help Turkey by presenting them the PKK on a platter?" Hiltermann asked in an interview with Monday Talk.

He said the Iraqi Kurdish administration wants to get Kirkuk because of its oil reserves and historical importance, noting that it wants to develop its own oil resources there. However, disagreements between the Kurds and the central government over the Kurdish rights to develop their own oil fields are also preventing Kurdish ambitions.

"In a potential package deal, the Kurdistan Regional Government [KRG] in Iraq would gain the rights to develop its own oil fields. In exchange they would not incorporate Kirkuk into the Kurdistan region. And it may become a stand-alone region with a power sharing arrangement," he elaborated.

As part of that deal, he said, the Iraqi Kurdish administration would restrain the PKK's freedom to maneuver: "If Turkey then also agrees to an amnesty for lower and mid-level officials [of the PKK] and lets refugees from the Makhmour camp return safely to Turkey, the KRG in exchange will absorb the senior levels of the PKK -- they will be disarmed, of course, and no longer politically active."

According to Hiltermann, this could serve everyone because Turkey could help the land-locked northern Iraq region develop its oil resources and ship the oil out, Turkey would not have to fear Kurdish independence, and the Kurds would not have to fear the strength of the central Iraqi government because they would have international guarantees provided by the deal reached.

For Monday Talk, Hiltermann elaborates more on the fate of the disputed city, Iraq and Turkey's mediating efforts in the region.

Most of the ICG reports from the Middle East concern developments in Iraq. Where is Iraq heading in the post-Saddam era?

The situation in Iraq after 2003 has been serious. There is a growing failure on the part of the United States to keep the country together. It removed the state apparatus, police, army and managerial class, and they were not replaced by anything. There are a lot of non-state actors, such as guerillas, insurgent groups and militias. There is a growing sectarianism and an actual conflict. So there was a real threat two years ago that the country would fall apart. Then the [George W.] Bush administration got engaged in the so-called "surge" of military forces -- in Baghdad in particular. This was a desperate last attempt to correct the situation. And it has succeeded, somewhat, in stabilizing the situation, especially in Baghdad.

Are these gains sustainable?

This greatly depends on what the new administration in the White House will do. The Bush administration is a lame duck. It will take time for the new president to put a team together and then forge a new strategy. But one positive thing has come out of this; namely, that all of the neighboring states and also the Unites States all agreed Iraq should not fall apart as this would be very harmful to all neighboring states' interests and to the region. This is one reason that the situation in Iraq has not gotten out of hand. So we will see what the US military will accomplish, considering that there is an offensive in Mosul. The military is also trying to address the problem of Shiite militias. We would have to wait until a new president comes into the White House with a new strategy. We hope the new president will be someone who will include engagement with Iran and Syria because without them, Iraq cannot be stabilized.

Is northern Iraq still the safest area?

By far, yes. Iraqi Kurdistan has been relatively stable and safe for people ever since 2003 and even before, since 1991. This does not mean bombs do not go off -- they do, but not anything compared to the rest of Iraq.

What is the situation in Kirkuk?

Kirkuk has been very tense though it hasn't seen the kind of violence that Baghdad has. The situation there has been contained, maybe against expectations, because of the stakes -- a lot of the oil in the ground, a mix of communities and of course a drive by the Kurdish parties to incorporate Kirkuk into the Kurdistan region. The Kurdish parties and most other communities in Kirkuk have not resorted to violence.

The violence [in Kirkuk] has come mostly from al-Qaeda in Iraq and some insurgent groups. We are now waiting for the United Nations to come up with a new initiative to replace the process that was under way under the constitution, the Article 140 process, which did not produce a referendum by the December 2007 deadline.

The referendum has now been delayed until June 30. Do you expect it to be held then?

It's very unlikely and the Kurdish leaders know very well that it won't happen by June 30. That's why the UN initiative is so important because they will have to come up with a process that is accepted by all parties, including the Kurds, and that will lead to progress on settling the issue of disputed territories.

A series of constitutional requirements, including a pre-vote census, have not been fulfilled. Is there a reason to be hopeful that these requirements will be met? After all, aren't the Kurds claiming the same rights over Kirkuk?

Yes, the Kurds are claiming Kirkuk and they had hoped to include Kirkuk into the Kurdistan region through a referendum under Article 140 of the constitution. For the Kurds, two principles matter: One, the status of Kirkuk is based on the will of the people of Kirkuk and, two, that the constitutional framework is adhered to. But Article 140 of the constitution is rather vague on what should happen.

It just says there has to be normalization, which is a return to the situation before Arabization took off in 1967 -- when the Baath Party came to power -- a census and a referendum. There is nothing in the constitution that says you cannot negotiate over Kirkuk prior to a referendum which would then ratify the decision taken consensually by various parties in Kirkuk. So what the United Nations is now trying to do is seek points that everybody can agree on so that there can be a basis for negotiation. It will not meet everyone's maximum objectives -- and that is not possible because they are clashing -- but it may meet everyone's minimum requirements.

So Kurds believe Kirkuk is theirs but there is not much American support behind them now compared to 2003, right?

Kurds were expelled from Kirkuk by force in past decades. They now have the opportunity to regain it because they have power in Baghdad. As long as they see that they have the opportunity, they will push. But the window of opportunity -- first opened in 1991 and opened more widely in 2003 -- has started to close because Americans who supported the Kurds started to recalibrate power relations in Iraq because they realized that things were getting out of control and the only way to re-stabilize the situation during the surge was to reach out to the Sunni Arabs who then started to set up these Awakening Councils [armed neighborhood groups that have driven al-Qaeda out of many districts of Baghdad and elsewhere].

This meant the Kurds and the Shiite Islamist parties take a step back and make certain compromises. This is where we are now. It will require some time for the Kurdish parties and the Kurdish people to come to the realization that they will not be able to meet the maximum objectives in Iraq today. And once that happens, we can reach consensus.

As Kurds increase their influence in Iraq, wouldn't they be interested in more?

Jalal Talabani, who was the head of one Kurdish guerilla party, is now the president of Iraq. There is no doubt that Kurds have expanded their influence in Iraq. But Kurds have no interest in running Iraq. They have an interest in Kurdish independence. This is what they are working toward: trying to expand the territory under their control and their powers within that territory. Of course, with territory also come resources, especially oil, but also water and gas. This is very important to them because they have been massacred in the past by the central governments in Iraq and they don't want that to happen again.

How does that perspective of the Kurds concern Turkey, where most worry about Kurdish independence?

What is most important for Turkey is Iraq's territorial integrity. If Iraq falls apart, if Turkey cannot prevent Iraq's disintegration, then paradoxically Turkey might have an interest in a stable Iraqi Kurdistan that would serve as a buffer between Turkey and the chaos of Iraq. In that case, it would be in Turkey's interest to develop good relations with Iraqi Kurdistan -- economic, political and diplomatic. Both the Turkish leadership and the Kurdish leadership have a strong belief in secularism; they know they need each other because Iraqi Kurdistan has oil even if Kirkuk is not included. Turkey is interested in getting it out from under the ground and shipping it to Turkey, to Ceyhan.

What are the advantages from the Iraqi Kurdish perspective?

It's a land-locked region. It is forever going to be dependant on its neighbors. Turkey has been the main transit country for its goods. There is a potential for a good relationship and the only thing against it is chauvinism on the parts of both, Turkish chauvinism and Kurdish chauvinism, and that's unfortunate. If we can continue to encourage development in Iraqi Kurdistan and relations between Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan, then we can overcome these psychological factors.

There is also the PKK's presence in northern Iraq. Do you think chauvinism breeds the PKK violence?

Turkey has an issue with the Kurds in Turkey, and this is an issue to be addressed. Since I'm not an expert on Turkey, I won't go into that. But the PKK is a symptom of that. And to the extent that the PKK is present in Iraqi Kurdistan, it becomes an issue for Iraq as well. And it becomes an issue for Turkish relations with Iraq and Turkish relations with the KRG. But this is manageable. The KRG supports the PKK up to a point, not because it likes the PKK but because it sees it as a bargaining chip. For Turkey, the PKK's presence in northern Iraq is very important and it tries to address it by putting political pressure on the KRG to take steps against the PKK -- by military means as well, though not very effectively. I'm very pleased to see that we now have the first senior level meeting between the Turkish government and the KRG.

Following the US-led military operation to topple Saddam Hussein, in a report you had written back in 2003 you warned of a threat of large-scale violence centered in Kirkuk erupting in northern Iraq between Kurds and Turks.

How do you think such a catastrophe was averted?

One thing that averted an open conflict was the Turkish Parliament's decision on March 1, 2003 not to grant transit rights to the American forces. Because that would have given Turkish forces the opportunity to also go into northern Iraq alongside the American forces, and this would have brought them into direct confrontation with the Kurdish parties and their militias. I don't know how that would have been managed. That could have led to an entirely different situation in Kirkuk than what we see today. Now it's a question of managing the future so that conflict can be avoided in the longer term. As long as we see a clash in Kirkuk, not of two but of three nationalisms -- Kurdish, Arab and Turkish -- there is a huge potential for conflict.

Is there much concern by the international community on the status of Turkmens who have been subject to unfair treatment?

The United Nations wants to find a solution to the status of Kirkuk that is consensual and that builds in protections for communities -- for Kurds, for Arabs, for Turkmens, for everyone -- so they can live peacefully. The Iraqi regime prior to 2003 also expelled the Turkmens from Kirkuk, confiscated their property and labeled them Arabs in national censuses. Turkmens deserve protection in Kirkuk.

Turkey is now mediating between Syria and Israel. Do you think it will open the way for the United States to engage with Syria?

It's very helpful for Turkey to get involved in this because it can talk to both sides and to the Palestinians. Turkey has good relations with all three. But without the United States and its leverage, there isn't going to be progress on either the Israel-Syria track or the Israel-Palestinian track. There is a lame duck administration in the White House, and we may have to wait for the next president.

Do you think Turkey could mediate between Iran and the United States?

The current standoff between Iran and the United States is not helpful to Turkey. Turkey does not want to alienate Iran, but the United States is alienating Iran. In the triangle of the United States, Iran and Turkey, Turkey feels uncomfortable at the moment because of the Bush administration's stance. If that changes -- all the candidates in the United States, John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, have indicated they are much more multilateral in their approach than the Bush administration -- then Turkey could play a very useful role alongside the European Union in negotiating safeguards in Iran that will prevent the ostensibly peaceful program from being turned into a military one.

Joost R. Hiltermann

Joost R. Hiltermann is the deputy Middle East and North Africa program director of the International Crisis Group (ICG), an independent nongovernmental organization dedicated to conflict prevention and headquartered in Brussels. Most recently he prepared studies on the lack of political progress in Iraq during the surge; the politics of the Supreme Council, one of Iraq's Shiite Islamist parties; and the conflict over Kirkuk. From 1994 to 2002 he served as the executive director of the arms division of Human Rights Watch in Washington. Prior to that, he was a Middle East consultant for international human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, conducting investigations in Iran, Iraq, Israel, Palestine and Lebanon. He also worked for the Palestinian human rights organization al-Haq in Ramallah. He holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and his dissertation was published by Princeton University Press, titled "Behind the Intifada: Labor and Women's Movements in the Occupied Territories." Hiltermann is also the author of "A Poisonous Affair: America, Iraq, and the Gassing of Halabja," published last year.


Sunday, 25 May 2008


My first blog ‘European Turkmen Friendships’ was LOCKED by Blogger on 21st May 2008, please see:

Today I am still waiting for ‘a human being’ to unlock my non-spam blog which was locked by ‘the robots’…

I thank Paola for posting my message on Uruknet.

I am very grateful to the Chairman of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Michael Napier

and Prof Abid Almaini who have kindly offered to host my blog.

I thank Layla, Hana, Gabriele, Hussein, Latuff, Gilles, Mary, and all those who advised me to open a new blog with WordPress (where I shall eventually transfer my blog’s contents).

I also thank Desert Peace, Herman, and all those who have sent me messages.

Desert Peace’s message was: “Don’t let them shut you up ever! We are in this struggle together and together we shall win!”

Saturday, 24 May 2008


TÜRKMENELİ TV - Kerkük İl Meclisi başkanı Rızgar Ali ve İşamerika güçlerinin Kerkük’taki komutanı Colnil Brown’nun başında olduğu heyet, Türkmen Tazehurmatu nahiyesi ve Beşir köyüne bir ziyaret gerçekleştirdi.

Ziyaret, bölgedeki altyapı hizmetleri eksiklikleri ve gayrimenkul anlaşmazlığı sorunlarını ele almak üzere yapıldığı belirtildi.

İlk olarak Tazehurmatuya giden ziyaretçi heyeti nahiye müdürü Talip Hadi karşıladı.Ziyaret sırasında, nahiyenin geçmişten beri hatta günümüzde de ihmal edildiği belirtildi,ayrıca nahiyedeki eksiklikleri gidermek için fikir alışverişinde bulunuldu.

Ziyarette bir konuşma yapan Kerkük İl Meclisi Başkanı Rizgar Ali,Tazehurmatu’nun Türkemen nahiyesi olduğunundan dolayı devrik rejim tarafından terk edildiğini ve hala terk edilmiş durumda olduğunu dile getirdi.Ardından nahiyedeki çarşıyı gezen heyet esnaflarla konuştu ve esnaflar nahiyedeki işsizlik ve altyapı sorunlarının giderilmesini istedi.

Öte yanda,büyük zülümlere uğrayan Beşir köyüne giden heyet, Beşir Polis Merkezi müdürü Fikret Molla Merfan tarafından karşılandı,ardından köydeki güvenlik durumları ele alındı.
Ziyarette,ayrıca devrik rejim tarafından köydeki vatandaşların gayrimenkullerinin ellerinden zorla alınması ve bunun nezaman iade edileceği tartışıldı.

Yapılan ziyarele ilgili açıklamalarda bulunan Kerkük İl Meclisi Türkmen Grubu üyesi Jale Neftçi,meclise dönüşlerinin ilk gününde vatandaşların sorunlarını öğrenmek için bu ziyaretin gerçekleştiğini dile getirdi.Kerkük İl Meclisi Başkanı Rizgar Ali yaptığı açıklamada,devrik rejim tarafından nahiyede büyük zulümler işlenmişti,ancak bunları telafi etmek için Kerkük meclisinin elinden geleni yapacağını söyledi.

Friday, 23 May 2008

ITC Lideri Dr. Sadettin Ergeç'in Halka Seslenişi – VIDEO

ITC Lideri Dr. Sadettin Ergeç'in Halka Seslenişi – VIDEO

Message from Iraqi Turkmen Front Leader, Dr. Sadettin Ergeç, to the Turkmens

حول نية قوات الاحتلال تسليم أسرى الحرب الى السلطات الشعوبية في العراق المحتل

لجنة الحرية والعدالة

حول نية قوات الاحتلال تسليم أسرى الحرب الى السلطات الشعوبية في العراق المحتل

علمت لجنة الحرية والعدالة ان قوات الاحتلال الاميركية في العراق قررت تسليم أسرى الحرب من القيادات العراقية، المحتجزين حتى الآن في السجون التابعة لها وتحت سيطرتها الكاملة، الى السلطات الحاكمة في العراق، خلال شهر حزيران المقبل

أن عملية التسليم هذه تعتبر خرقا فاضحا لاتفاقيات جنيف لعام 1949 و للمواثيق الدولية المتعلقة باسرى الحرب وبمسؤوليات الدولة المحتلة تجاههم. كما أنها تعني التصفية الجسدية لقيادات العراق الشرعية الواقعة في الاسر، من قبل أجهزة وميليشيات السلطات الحاكمة في العراق، بعد تعريضها لأبشع انواع التعذيب. وتتحمل السطات الاميركية وقوات احتلالها في العراق المسؤولية القانونية والسياسية والانسانية الكاملة لقرارها هذا ولنتائجه المعروفة مسبقا

إن عمليات التصفية الجسدية لقيادات العراق، بالاضافة لكونها عمليات انتقامية تنم عن انحطاط خلقي وقيمي لمرتكبيها، عصابات القتل المدعومة من ايران ومن الاحتلال الاميركي، هي في الوقت ذاته جزء من خطة تقوم على تصفية الكفاءات العراقية الوطنية المخلصة القادرة على انقاذ العراق بعد التحرير وتضميد جراحه واعادة بنائه. وما تصفية العلماء واساتذة الجامعات والاطباء والمهندسين والضباط والطيارين وكل القدرات العلمية والفكرية في العراق بالاضافة الى القيادات العراقية المجربة، الا دليلا لا يقبل الدحض على طبيعة الخطة الاكبر التي تستهدف الاجهاز على العراق العربي الحديث، المتطور المقتدر، وتمهيد الطريق لتجزئته الى دويلات طائفية وعرقية هزيلة يديرها أميون وظلاميون، تنفذ سياسة الاجنبي وتحقق مصالحه بعيدة المدى على حساب مصالح العراق والامة

إن لجنة الحرية والعدالة تحذر من خطورة هذه الجريمة التي تطبخ في غرف العمليات المشتركة الايرانية الاميركية، وتدعو المجتمع الدولي عموما ومنظمة الصليب الاحمر خصوصا الى الاضطلاع بمسؤولياتهما القانونية تجاه عمليات التصفية التي تتعرض لها كفاءات العراق وقياداته، ووضع حد لهذه الجرائم البشعة ومن ثم العمل على محاكمة مقترفيها

باريس، في 22 أيار 2008


Commission Justice et Liberté




La guerre d’Irak restera dans les mémoires non seulement comme le massacre d’un peuple et d’une culture, mais également comme le viol par la première puissance mondiale de la Charte des Nations unies et des Conventions de Genève.

Les prisonniers de guerre irakiens - soit officiellement plus d’une vingtaine de mille, parmi lesquels des femmes et de nombreux enfants – devraient être livrés, en juin prochain, par les troupes d’occupation aux autorités pro-iraniennes que les Etats-Unis ont porté au pouvoir.

Ce chiffre pourtant énorme ne comprend pas les prisonniers internés dans des prisons secrètes dont le sort est pire que tout ce qui peut être imaginé.

La vie d'un grand nombre de ces prisonniers de guerre est en danger, notamment celle des dirigeants irakiens qui ont été torturés dans les prisons américaines et qui risquent maintenant de subir, aux mains des milices pro-iraniennes au pouvoir en Irak, les pires tortures avant d'être assassinés.

Le transfert des prisonniers est contraire à l’esprit et à la lettre des Conventions de Genève de 1949 relatives au traitement des prisonniers de guerre.

Les Etats-Unis qui veulent se décharger de la garde des prisonniers de guerre irakiens devraient les libérer, ou les remettre à une puissance neutre.

Le procès de Tarek Aziz et de 7 dirigeants irakiens - tous prisonniers de guerre - par la soi disant justice irakienne est illégal au regard du droit international.

La décision de remettre les prisonniers de guerre irakiens aux milices pro-iraniennes qui se partagent le pouvoir à Bagdad est non seulement illégale mais criminelle et honteuse, car c’est les livrer - en toute connaissance de cause - à la torture et au bourreau.

Paris, le 22 mai 2008

New Message from Blogger:

Your blog is locked
Blogger's spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a spam blog. (What is a spam blog?) Since you are an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a spam blog. Automated spam detection is inherently fuzzy and we sincerely apologise for this false positive.
We received your unlock request on 22 May 2008. On behalf of the robots, we apologise for locking your non-spam blog. Please be patient while we take a look at your blog and verify that it is not spam.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Why I started this blog

I have started this new blog because my first blog : EUROPEAN TURKMEN FRIENDSHIPS which I started in March 2007 has been locked by BLOGGER.

Below is the message I found when I wanted to add a new post on my blog this morning:

View Blog
1,110 Posts, last published on 21-May-2008

This blog has been locked due to possible Blogger Terms of Service violations. You may not publish new posts until your blog is reviewed and unlocked.
This blog will be deleted within 20 days unless you request a review.

I have filled the form requesting their 'review', but pending their 'decision' I have started this new blog.

If Blogger-Google are trying to discourage all those who denounce the neocon-zionists crimes in Iraq and Palestine they will not succeed, we are many and we will not be silenced!


Turkmeneli is the area indicated in blue on the map