Saturday 14 June 2008

58 US Bases in Iraq?

Raed Jarrar has posted an interesting comment on his blog:

Saturday, June 14, 2008

58 bases? I don't think so

the "media leaks" about the U.S.-Iraqi treaty are fishy. there is a huge Iraqi public and parliamentary opposition to signing any treaty with the U.S. while Iraq is occupied, but what has been happening lately is that some U.S.-backed Iraqi puppets have been manufacturing a parallel fake crisis in this way:

1- leaking exaggerated information to the media: The Iraqi and U.S. negotiators want to set the bar low by claiming there are 58 bases, so that when they announce the real draft with say 5 bases it will sound reasonable and it will make the negotiations look legitimate.

2- Creating a fake opposition front: U.S.-backed Iraqi puppets, who are openly for permanent bases and indefinite occupation, have been giving strong statements against the U.S. intervention to steal the thunder of the real opposition. Then in a few weeks the same people will tell us that they've reached to a mid-way solution that will respect Iraq's sovereignty.

It seems that the majority of the media have taken the bait. I personally don't think there is any real negotiations taking place. There is a final draft the U.S. and Iraqi "negotiators" are trying to market, and they're going to announce it very soon.Whether the U.S. government wants to leave 200 bases or 1 base in Iraq, the Iraqi resistance to the foreign occupiers will not change. It is not a matter of "troops level", it is more about "occupation presence".

The only way to end violence in Iraq is to set a timetable for a complete withdrawal of all foreign occupiers that leaves no bases, troops, or mercenaries behind.

Posted By Raed Jarrar at 2:06 PM

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