Monday, 19 October 2009

The weaseling 5% Porcupine .... إشتم جيفة السمكة من رأسها

Imad Khadduri

October 19, 2009"Porcupine was established in Delaware on June 30, 2004 -- one day after DNO signed its own contract with KRG to drill for oil in northern Iraq....The minutes of the Stock Exchange meeting showed only that the fine was to punish DNO for selling 5 percent of its shares to a publicly undisclosed buyer. "Dagens Naeringsliv" filed a Freedom of Information request with the Stock Exchange and learned that the undisclosed buyer of the shares was the KRG itself.

When "Dagens Naeringsliv" published that news, the KRG reacted vehemently to being publicly named. It threatened to suspend DNO’s activities in Kurdistan and evict the company without compensation. It also set some conditions for continued cooperation with DNO, including one that was completely unexpected: for the company to clear up all conflicts with "third party interests."Again the newspaper’s interest was piqued. This time, the challenge was to find out the identity of the "third party," and why the conflict was so important it needed to be solved immediately.

In the search, the paper learned of an arbitration case in London which started sometime after March of last year and pits DNO against two companies: one called Porcupine, the other belonging to a Yemeni businessman.

[The paper reported last week that Galbraith acquired a 5 percent share in an oil field in the Iraqi Kurdish region at a time when he was a leading voice in the U.S. debate over the structure of post-Saddam Iraq. And he helped draft Iraq’s 2005 Constitution by advising Kurdish leaders on legal language they should seek to insert into it -- including keeping future oil development in their region under their own control].Tracking down Porcupine led to Delaware, where it turned out the company’s incorporation document was signed by Peter Galbraith [Former US diplomat, recently dismissed from his post at the UN mission in Afghanistan]."Iraq Oil Scandal Threatens Former Diplomat, Ocotber 16, 2009

Galbraith is among many senior US officials who are thought to be involved in business relationship with KRG, like Garner and Zalmay Kahlil Zadeh. During past few months, Zadeh has been attending major oil celebrations held by KRG..

ـ"اعترف دبلوماسي امريكي سابق (كان في أفغانستان الى قبل بضعة أسابيع حيث أقيل من منصبه) بأنه مارس نشاطات تجارية في قطاع النفط بكردستان العراق بعد الكشف عن وقوع خلاف بين شركته وشركة نفط نرويجية. واشارت صحيفة فايننشال تايمز الصادرة الجمعة الي أن بيتر غالبريث المدافع عن الحكم الذاتي للأكراد استغل، كما يري النقاد، مكانته السياسية للحصول علي مكاسب مالية وكان يتعين عليه الكشف عن مصالحه التجارية في شمال العراق وقتها، وقبل الكشف عن الخلاف بين شركته وشركة النفط النروجية (دي ان أو) التي تعد أول شركة نفطية تدخل الي كردستان العراق. وأصر غالبريث، السفير الأمريكي السابق في كرواتيا، في مقابلة مع الصحيفة بأن تعاملاته التجارية لم تتناقض مع عمله كمستشار لدي القادة الأكراد في كردستان العراق، وشدد علي أنه سعي دائماً لدعم مصالح الأكراد".ـفايننشال تايمز: دبلوماسي أمريكي يعترف بالتجارة في نفط كردستان
ـ16 تشرين الأول 2009
تبين بأن حصة بيتر كالبريث في العقد المبرم بين الأقليم وشركة دي.أن.أو النرويجية هي 5% ، فقط ولا غير! كما كان كولبنكيان مستر فايف برسنت لحوالي 50 عاما.ـ
ها نحن اليوم نرى ظهور أخرين، وهذا أولهم، ممن يضطر للأعتراف ويقر بدوره في اعداد الدستور ( ومعروف أيضا دوره في أعداد مسودة قانون النفط والغاز لا بل ومشاركته في المفاوضات التي سبقت اقرار المسودة )ـً والباقي نتعرف عليهم لاحقا
Galbriath had the audacity to demand (in 2006):

"Galbraith recounted some of his experiences from The End of Iraq: How American Incompetence Created a War Without End. He contends the Bush administration’s incompetence regarding planning for a military occupation has greatly contributed to the mess U.S. forces currently face. The most glaring example was the widespread looting after the invasion. [emphasis added. Comment: He had already dipped himself in the oil pot]....

Rather than preserving or holding together a unified Iraq, Galbraith believes the U.S. must accept the reality of Iraq’s breakup and work with the Shiites, Kurds, and Sunni Arabs to strengthen the existing semi-independent regions. In addition, he suggests that U.S. forces be redeployed to Kurdistan where they will be welcomed and can keep tabs on al-Qaeda." [emphasis added. Comment: And guard his 5%]
Experts see grim prospects in Iraq, Iran

October 13, 2006
وعزى كالبريث (في عام 2006) أحد أهم أسباب هزيمة بوش في العراق الى السماح بالنهب بدون رادع، في حين كان مطمّس إيده بالنفط ... كما وطالب بتقسيم العراق ونقل الجيش الأمريكي الى شمال العراق حيث سيلقى الترحيب وليتعقب فلول القاعدة (و ليحمي الخمسة بالمائة من نفط أبوه)ـ

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