Sunday, 2 January 2011

Cultivation of Kirkuk develops a plan to plant 700 thousand acres of wheat and barley in the winter season

Saturday, K 2 2011 21:12 GMT
Alsumaria News / Kirkuk

The Directorate of Agriculture in Kirkuk on Saturday, announced its plans for the agricultural season this winter, which includes cultivation of tracts of land estimated at 700 thousand acres of wheat and barley.

The director of agriculture Kirkuk Mahdi Mubarak in an interview with "Alsumaria News", "The Department of Agriculture Kirkuk began the plan of the new season, which includes cultivation of about 700 thousand acres of wheat and barley," he said, adding that the plan provides for "the division of these lands by 610 thousand acres to grow wheat and 90 thousand acres for the cultivation of barley. "

The director of the Department of Agriculture Kirkuk Mahdi Mubarak, said in an interview earlier "Alsumaria News", "Department of Conservation Agriculture has been able to plant about 900 acres of wheat and barley in the agricultural season the past, and were distributed throughout the regions and districts of Kirkuk," referring to that "the quantity of marketed wheat and barley reached about 328 thousand tons, the highest recorded productivity of Kirkuk since 2003."

The province of Kirkuk, about 250 km north of Baghdad, considered one of the largest northern provinces producing crops of wheat and barley after Nineveh, but has seen its production decline after 2003 due to lack of irrigation water and lack of rainfall in adequate quantities.

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