Wednesday, 30 October 2013



Cumhuriyet’imiz in kuruluşunun 90’ıncı yıldönümü vesilesiyle 29 Ekim 2013 Salı  günü T.C. Brüksel Büyükelçiliği himayesinde ve kısa adı TÖSED olan BusinessTürk’ün katkılarıyla  “29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı Konser ve Resepsiyon’una ilgi hayli büyüktü.Brüksel’in önemli kültür merkezlerinden olan Grande Salle du Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles, Rue salonundaki kutlama Büyükelçi Mehmet Hakan Olcay eşi Sefire Mehveş Olcay, Maslahatgüzar Oya Yazar Turan ve eşi AB Türkiye Temsilciliği Daimi Temsilci Yardımcısı Mustafa Osman Turan, tebrikleri kabul ettiler.Yabancı misyon şeflerinin de büyük ilgi gösterdiği program TÖSED Başkanı  Yılmaz Özcan ‘ı açılış konuşmasıyla başladı.
Başkan  Özcan yaptığı konuşmada ”Sizlerin Cumhuriyet bayramını tebrik ediyorum » diyerek başladığı selamlama konuşmasında «Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kuruluşunun 90’nıncı yıldönümünü kutlamak amacı ile, Türkiye’nin Belçika büyükelçisi sayın Mehmet Hakan Olcay’ın himayelerinde düzenlediğimiz konsere hoşgeldiniz. Katılımınız ile bizlere onur verdiniz,Business Türk-Brussels, 1998 yılında TÖSED çatısı altında Türkiye kökenli ve iş dünyasında etkin olan kişileri bir araya getiren bir sivil toplum kuruluşu olarak kuruldu.
Çok sesli klasik müzik, Türk sosyal yaşamında 19.yüzyıldan bu yana beğenilen ve icra edilen bir sanat  dalı olmuştur. Cumhuriyetimiz ilk yıllarından beri Türkiye’de, demokratik çalışmalarıyla  çok sesli müzik ve çoğulcu bir toplum yapısı da gelişmiştir. Biz, Avrupalı sivil toplum kuruluşu olarak bu tür çaılma ve gelişmelerden mutluluk duyuyor ve bu tür insiyatifleri destekliyoruz. Bizlerin amacı, Türkiye ile Belçika arasındaki karşılıklı dostluk ilişkisinin geliştirilmesi ve Avrupa Birliği’nin Türkiye’ye doğru genişleme sürecine katkıda bulunmaktır. Bu çerçevedeki etkinlik alanlarımız arasında kültürel boyutun ve özellikle müziğin özel bir konumu var. Müziğin evrensel dili, siyaset ve iş konularından çok daha etkililidir. Şairin dediği gibi: «Baki kalan bu kubbede, hoş bir seda imiş» dedi.
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Büyükelçisi Mehmet Hakan Olcay ise katılımcı davetlileri selamlayarak,  yaptığı konuşmasında « Cumhuriyetimizin ilanının 90.yılı vesilesi ile düzenlediğimiz resepsiyona ve TÖSED’in katkıları ile gerçekleştirilen konsere hoş geldiniz.
Cumhuriyet Bayramınız Kutlu Olsun. Bu vesile ile Cumhuriyetimizin kurucusu Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ile silah arkadaşlarını minnetle anıyor, şehitlerimizin ve gazilerimizin aziz hatıraları önünde saygıyla eğiliyorum. Türkiye geçtiğimiz 90 yıl içerisinde ortaya çıkardığı potansiyeli ile muhtelif sahalarda gerçekleştirdiği köklü reformlarla, olgunlaşan demokrasisi ve çok lehçeli dış politikası ile uluslararası toplumun saygın bir üyesi haline gelmiştir. Milletçe genç ve dinamik nüfusumuz, canlı kültürel ve sanatsal hayatımız özellikle son yıllarda büyük gelişme gösteren ekonomimizle geleceğe güvenle bakıyoruz.
Cumhuriyet Bayramımızı köklü ilişkilere sahip olduğumuz, tarihi dostumuz ve müttefikimiz Belçika’da yaşadıkları bu ülkeye her alanda katkılar sunan vatandaşlarımız ve Belçikalı dostlarımızla birlikte kutlamaktan ötürü ayrı bir mutluluk duyuyoruz.
Belçika ile 1848 yılından bu yana kesintisiz devam eden ilişkilerimiz siyasi, ekonomik ve ticari alanlarda da büyük gelişme göstermiştir. İki ülke arasında karşılıklı yatırımların artırılmasını, ortak projelerde birlikte yer almayı, kültür ve eğitim alanlarında işbirliğimizi güçlendirmeyi hedefliyoruz. Bilindiği üzere 2014 yılı iki ülke arasında imzalanan ikili işgücü anlaşmasının 50.yılı olması münasebeti ile Türkiye-Belçika ilişkilerinde tarihi bir önem taşımaktadır. Hemen ertesi yıl 2015’te ülkemiz iki yılda bir Belçika’da gerçekleştirilen prestijli’ Europalia’ Uluslararası Sanat festivalinin konuk ülkesi olacaktır.
Bu ve benzeri vesilelerle Türk ve Belçika toplumu arasındaki ilişkilerin daha da güçleneceğine, önümüzdeki dönemde vatandaşlarımızın ve kurdukları sivil toplum kuruluşlarının verecekleri destek sayesinde Belçika ile ilişkilerimizin her alanda daha da ileriye taşınacağına inanıyorum.Cumhuriyet bayramınızı tekrar kutluyor, resepsiyonumuza ve bu vesile ile Tösed’in değerli katkıları ile gerçekleştirilen ‘Cumhuriyet Bayramı Konseri’ne katılımınız için içten teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum” dedi.
Yapılan konuşmaların ardından Muhittin Dürrüoğlu(Piano) yönetiminde, Marie Hallynck (Violoncelle), Elçim Özdemir (violon), Marc Danel Violin), Aykut Durşen (Contrabas)’den oluşan orkestra tarafından birbirinden güzel eserler seslendirildi.
Konser sonrası Büyükelçi Mehmet Hakan Olcay ve eşi Mehveş Olcay ile Tösed-BusinessTürk Başkanı Yılmaz Özcan, ünlü müzisyen ve besteci Muhiddin Dürrüoğlu ve arkadaşlarına çiçekler vererek tebrik ettiler.

Erşat SALİHİ: çok önemli uyarılarda bulundu

Monday, 28 October 2013

Iraq bombings kill at least 66

Iraq bombings kill at least 66
Deadly attack in Baghdad targets commercial area of the capital

The Associated Press Posted: Oct 27, 2013

A man, centre, wounded in a bomb blast is escorted from the site of a car bomb attack in the Baghdad's eastern Mashtal neighbourhood. Insurgents unleashed a new wave of car bombs in Shia neighbourhoods of Baghdad on Sunday. (Khalid Mohammed/The Associated Press)

A series of attacks including car bombings in Baghdad, an explosion at a market and a suicide assault in a northern city killed at least 66 people Sunday across Iraq, officials said, the latest in a wave of violence washing over the country.

Co-ordinated bombings hit Iraq multiple times each month, feeding a spike in bloodshed that has killed more than 5,000 people since April. The local branch of al-Qaeda often takes responsibility for the assaults, although there was no immediate claim for Sunday's blasts.

Sunday's attacks were the deadliest single-day series of assaults since Oct. 5, when 75 people were killed in violence.
Nahlah Ayed: The Iraq invasion 10 years on, was it worth it?

Police officers said that the bombs in the capital, placed in parked cars and detonated over a half-hour period, targeted commercial areas and parking lots, killing 42 people.

The deadliest blasts struck in the southeastern Nahrwan district, where two car bombs exploded simultaneously, killing seven and wounding 15, authorities said. Two other explosions hit the northern Shaab and southern Abu Dashir neighbourhoods, each killing six people, officials said. Other blasts hit the neighbourhoods of Mashtal, Baladiyat and Ur in eastern Baghdad, the southwestern Bayaa district and the northern Sab al-Bor and Hurriyah districts.
Soldiers targeted

Citizens inspect the site of a car bomb attack at a bus station in the Baghdad's eastern Mashtal neighbourhood. (Khalid Mohammed/Associated Press)

Meanwhile, in the northern city of Mosul, a suicide bomber drove his explosives-laden car into a group of soldiers as they were sealing off a street leading to a bank where troops were receiving salaries, killing 14, a police officer said. At least 30 people were wounded, the officer said. Also in Mosul, police said gunmen shot dead two off-duty soldiers in a drive-by shooting.

The former insurgent stronghold of Mosul is located about 360 kilometres northwest of Baghdad.

In the afternoon, a bomb blast killed four people and wounded 11 inside an outdoor market in the Sunni town of Tarmiyah, 50 kilometres north of Baghdad, authorities said.

Sunday night, police said mortar shells landed on homes in a Shia district of Madain, a town just south of Baghdad, killing four people and wounding nine, officials said.

Such co-ordinated attacks are a favourite tactic of al-Qaeda's local branch. It frequently targets civilians in markets, cafes and commercial streets in Shia areas in an attempt to undermine confidence in the government, as well as members of the security forces. All of the car bombings Sunday in Baghdad struck Shiite neighbourhoods.

In Mashtal in Baghdad, police and army forces sealed off the scene as ambulances rushed to pick up the wounded. Pools of blood covered the pavement. The force of the explosion damaged number of cars and shops. At one restaurant, the blast overturned wooden benches and left broken eggs scattered on the ground. In Shaab, a crane lifted away at least 12 charred cars as cleaners swept away debris.

Medical officials confirmed the casualty figures for all attacks. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to publicly release the information.

Violence has spiked in Iraq since April, when the pace of killing reached levels unseen since 2008. Today's attacks bring the death toll across the country this month to 545, according to an Associated Press count.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Saray gazetesinin 104.sayısı çıktı...

Saray gazetesinin 104.sayısı çıktı...Haber - Türkmeneli

Erbil’de Türkçe ve Kürtçe çıkan Saray gazetesinin 104. sayısı çıktı. Yeni sayıda öne çıkan başlıklar şunlardır.....
1- Türkmenler sekizinci kabineye katılmak istiyorlar
2- Büyük Yanlışın Ağır Bedeli
3- Ortadoğu’nun en güçlü adamı Qassem Sulaimani

bu sayını okumak için buraya tıklayın

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

DÜTAP Conference at Brussels Parliament: The Problems of the Women in the Turkish World

Brussels 12th October 2013

Minister Brigitte Grouwels and Deputy Brigitte De Pauw co-hosted a conference at BRUSSELS PARLEMENT organised by DÜTAP  (Dünya Türkleri Avrupa Platformu) on the Problems of the Women in the Turkish World.

Brüksel Parlamentosunda DÜTAP (Dünya Türkleri Avrupa Platformu) tarafindan gerçeklestirilen “Türk Dünyası Kadın Sorunları” konferansimizda sayin Merry Fitzgerald (Europe-Turkmen Friendships) konuşmasını yapıyor. 
In her speech Merry Fitzgerald (Europe – Turkmen Friendships) spoke about the plight of the Turkmen Women in Iraq, Syria and Iran.
In the centre of this photo : Minister Brigitte Grouwels, (Brussels Minister van Openbare werken en Vervoer, Informatica en de Haven van Brussel) and Deputy Brigitte De Pauw
Minister Brigitte Grouwels and Staff Member Ms.Nebahat Acar
Deputy Brigitte De Pauw
DÜTAP President TC Kenan Dağgün and DÜTAP Member 
Ms. Ayla Yaşaryıldız 
 Ms.Nebahat Acar and Ms. Ayla Yaşaryıldız
Ms. Merry Fitzgerald (Europe-Turkmen Friendships)
Ms. Remziye Levent and Ms. Ayla Yaşaryıldız
Ms. Elise Ayhan and Ms. Ayla Yaşaryıldız
Ms. Esma Caner and Ms. Ayla Yaşaryıldız
Mr Selman Kasoemov, Mr. Ayhan Demirçi, Dr. Hassan Aydinli and Mr. Abdumutalip
Ms Gulnissa Taipova, Uyghur representative and DÜTAP Member 
Minister Brigitte Grouwels welcoming guests at BRUSSELS PARLEMENT
Deputy Brigitte De Pauw welcoming guests

New Report on increase of Violence against Women in Iraq's Kurdistan Region in 2013

By Shwan Barzinji – Basnews : Violence against women in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region has increased, according to a monthly report from the Kurdish government.

The report from Violence Against Women, a special department aimed at monitoring women’s situation in the Kurdistan Region, registered 13 cases of rape in the first eight months of 2013. Most of them reported in Slêmanî (Sulaimaniyah), the region’s second largest city.

“In the first eight months of the year there have been 445 cases of violence against women, including suicide, murder, rape, and sexual harassment,” according to the report. The Kurdistan Region has succeeded in passing a law limiting violence against women, but many people especially from rural areas still adhere to tribal traditions. According to the report, 170 cases of violence against women were registered at this time in 2012; 275 less than this year. In 2007, the Interior Ministry in the Kurdistan Region established departments to follow up on issues related to violence against women, after the region experienced a notable surge in cases of murder and suicide among women.

There are currently six departments and 26 offices in the region that address violence against women.

In 2011, the Kurdistan Parliament issued a domestic violence law. The second article states: ‘It is prohibited for any person associated with a family to commit violence — whether physical, sexual or psychological — within the family’. In 2012, the Kurdistan Regional Government held an international conference in Erbil aimed to promote women’s rights and combatting domestic violence. According to Human Rights Watch, female genital mutilation in Iraq is practiced primarily by Kurds. A reported 60% of Kurdish women in Iraq have undergone the procedure. The KRG claims the figures are exaggerated.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Complete 2013 Kurdistan Regional Government Election Results

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Complete 2013 Kurdistan Regional Government Election Results

After dealing with the complaints of several parties Iraq’s Election Commission finally announced the full results of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) 2013 parliamentary elections. As the preliminary counts revealed there has been a sea change amongst the Kurdish voters. The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), which has jointly run the region since the 1990s has fallen out of favor to the benefit of the opposition Change List, the Kurdistan Islamic Union, and the Kurdistan Islamic Group. The issue now is whether those parties will be able to gain meaningful positions in the government, be co-opted by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), which will put their own futures in doubt or remain outside of the administration.

The final results of the September 21, 2013 Kurdish parliamentary elections showed how the electorate had changed. Coming in first place was the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) with 743,984 votes, 37.79% of the total, giving them 38 seats. The KDP has tried to become the majority party in the KRG. It failed to achieve that, but has come out the dominant one. Second place went to the Change List with 476,736 votes (24.21%), and 24 seats. It has been one of the three opposition parties that have called for political and economic reform of the KRG. It was the main beneficiary of the demise of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), which garnered 350,500 votes (17.8%), and 18 seats. The PUK decided to run separately from its ruling partner the KDP this year, and found out just how far it had fallen in the public’s eye. Next were the Islamic parties. The Kurdistan Islamic Union got 186,741 votes (9.49%) and 10 seats, the Kurdistan Islamic Group had 118,399 votes (6.01%) and 6 seats, followed by the Kurdistan Islamic Movement with 21,834 votes (1.1%) and 1 seat. To finish off the 100 seats available were the Kurdistan Democratic Socialist Party, the Communist Party, and the Third Trend Toilers Party with 1 seat each. There were also 11 seats set aside for minorities. The 5 Turkmen positions went to the Turkmen Development List with 2 seats, Irbil Turkmen List with one seat, the Turkmen Reform List with one seat, and the Turkmen Front with one seat. There were five Christian quota seats going to the Mesopotamia List with two seats, the Chaldean Syriac Assyrian Assembly with two, and the Sons of Mesopotamia with one. Finally there was one seat for Armenians as well, which went to Barwan Isan Mergoz Batros. Of the new legislators 77 will be men and 34 will be women. 13 of the latter won seats without the quota system for female lawmakers. In 2009, the KDP and PUK ran together as the Kurdish List. They won 57%of the vote for 59 seats, splitting them between them with the KDP receiving 30 and the PUK 29. Together the two parties won 55.59% of the vote this year, and were able to garner 56 seats between them. The fact that the numbers were almost the same, but the PUK got crushed, showed that the KDP was not only able to hold onto but expand its base. The Change List slightly increased its standing going from 23.75% of the vote in 2009 to 24.21%, but ironically that cost them one seat going from 25 to 24. The Kurdistan Islamic Union and Kurdistan Islamic Group also saw increases. In 2009 they ran with secular parties in the Service and Reform List, which did not last past the vote. That year the coalition came out with 12.8% of the votes with the Islamic Union gaining 6 seats and the Islamic Group 4. In 2013 the two Islamist parties saw a sizeable increase with 15.5% of the vote leading to the Islamic Union receiving 10 seats, and the Islamic Group 6. The KDP has been able to hold onto its base in Dohuk and Irbil, while the PUK has severely dropped off in Sulaymaniya. The party is currently leaderless with President Jalal Talabani being hospitalized in Germany since December 2012, and facing increasing internal struggles. The party has held several high-level meetings to reflect upon its loss, but no major changes have been announced so far. Due to Talabani’s absence and the increasing divisions within the party, none may come for quite some time. The opposition parties Change, the Islamic Union, and the Islamic Group have all taken advantage of this situation.

2009 vs. 2013 KRG Election Results

THE DOWNFALL OF A FAMILY: Iraqi president’s son Bafel Talabani could face prison in the UK for corruption

By Amanj Ahmed – – 10.10.2013 – LONDON,— A document has come to light showing how Bafel Ahmed Talabani [Son of the Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani] was facing a claim against him in the UK or breach of contract and breach of duty and conspiracy. The Claimant; Monde, a company registered in British islands, is a consultancy. Their claim against Bafel is for $3m USD including interest, damages cost etc…

Bafel Talabani’s involvement in the electricity contact which was never built in Sulaimaniyah was through a company registered in Cyprus called Doom [Bafel Talabani named as the owner]. The other Kurdish person working for Befel is Hewa Karamani and reported in the case as a Befel’s associate. Needless to say while Bafel Talabani appears to have taken millions of dollars Kamarani was only paid 4000 GBP, to stay quiet. When the contact for the power generation plant was entered into, the local media accused Omer Fatah the then PM in PUK area but this document shows that Bafel Talabani was the main driver behind the contract and made the most money out of it. The initial amount of money received was 10% of the contract as a deposit and was $18.75m USD and the document shows how the account was set up in the name of Leelanes and Bafel and the claimant claims in the case documents that Bafel was authorized by Kurdistan Regional Government KRG to represent them. Bafel never held any official posts in the KRG and he has only been Talabani’s son.

On P14 to 16 of the main document, there is a list of all the payments which has been made to all the parties involved. The Claimants claims Bafel has received $5.2m through Doom from 2006 to 2010. All the details can be found in the court document. The claimant accuse Bafel of taking the money and resulting in the cancelation of the contact, leading to the loss of $2m USD.

In March 2010, the document shows Bafel has emailed Alexander and told them that the KRG is “desperate” for the money and “some People” were considering legal action against Leelanes. He also said that he will “no longer be able to make excuses” in the email. All details in p19 p20. Once again this shows Bafel was highly involved in the discussion without been in government or have any connection with electricity in Kurdistan.

Apparently in May 2008 Ahmed Sarchil Qazaz who is reportedly in US custody for other related crimes has asked for $4m USD to be transferred to Bafel, and he requested the money to be sent to a bank account in Dubai in the name of “Financial Links”. The list goes on and the most telling sign of playboy prince can be seen in Oct 2009 where the document shows that Bafel has requested a transfer of £155000 GBP [from deposit Money] to Houston Motors in Guilford. This in itself shows how Bafel treated public funds in the KRG and used his mum and dad as a shield to buy sports cars. Meanwhile in 2006, people in Kurdistan did not have electricity or running water and they entrusted this man’s family to build it for them.

In Total $8.433.539.35 worth of payments has been paid out of the deposit account and the claimant states that this amount was not returned to the KRG.

According to the claimant on 30th November 2009 the KRG has agreed terminate the contract and received only the remaining $9.375m in order to release all the parties from their obligation under the contract.The claimant accuses other defendant including Bafel of fraud under section 4 of the fraud Act which would lead to custodial sentence if found guilty.

There is a clear case against Bafel and he is guilty as charged. The UK authorities should take action as he is her majesties citizen and such criminal behaviour should not be tolerated. The contract in itself is a clear testament of the corruption running through the system and shows Talabani’s family have been using their position to enrich themselves. It is clear from this court document that Bafel never intended to build a power plant but to siphon of public funds and drive his sports cars as well as fund his playboy lifestyle.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Iraqi Turkmen Front opposes resolution over Turkmens

Iraqi Turkmen Front says there are many deficiencies in the resolution which is to be discussed in the parliament of Iraq. 

World Bulletin/News Desk
Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF)  executive committee said Monday that some articles in the resolution to be discussed in the parliament of Iraq, which are related to Iraqi Turkmens, were unacceptable.
There are many deficiencies in the resolution, including the fact that it does not even touch on the issue of returning some land seized during ousted President Saddam Hussein's regime to Turkmens, ITF said in a written statement.
"The seventh article is another example," the statement said, "The article makes it compulsory that any committee has to receive the government's approval in order to go abroad, which means that no Turkmen committee can go abroad without the government's approval. ITF is totally opposing the article."
Iraqi Turkmens are a unique ethnic group in the country; they are predominantly Muslim and divided into two main sects: Shiites and Sunnites, and have strong cultural ties with Turkey.