Sunday, 29 July 2012

Barzani’s Kurdish initiative in Syria takes Turkey by surprise

Today, [Iraqi Prime Minister] Nouri al-Maliki is closer to Syria, while the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is defending the rights of the Syrian Kurds. So Syria took steps not only to give Turkey a headache but also to narrow the KDP’s zone of influence. Kurds close to the PKK were released from prisons; 30,000 Kurds close to thePKK got citizenship. [These sorts of things were not happening] last year. Syria tried to divert the control of the Kurds from the KDP toward the PKK.
Barzani’s Kurdish initiative in Syria takes Turkey by surprise
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News
KRG head Masoud Barzani has taken Ankara by surprise by joining hands with the PKK-affiliated Syrian Kurdish group PYD, which has assumed control of several northern Syrian districts, says a foreign policy analyst. Ankara is especially angry because Barzani took the step without first informing Turkey, says Nuh Yılmaz

The transfer of Northern Iraq’s energy sources to international markets via Turkey may be on the agenda as Turkish foreign minister is set to meet Iraqi Kurdish leadership, says analyst Nuh Yılmaz. DAILY NEWS photos, Emrah GÜREL

Barçın Yinanç
Ankara was caught off guard when Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani began cooperating with Kurds in northern Syria who are affiliated with Kurdish militants in Turkey, according to an analyst.

Turkey became uneasy after the coalition between Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President Barzani and the Democratic Union of Kurdistan (PYD), which is close to the outlawed Kurdistan People’s Party (PKK), took control of several northern Syrian districts along Turkey’s southern border, Nuh Yılmaz of Istanbul’s Marmara University told the
 Hürriyet Daily News in a recent interview.

What is happening in northern Syria?

As relations with Barzani were going through a good period,
 Ankara probably did not foresee that the PYD and groups close to Barzani could have taken control of the administration in certain cities in Syria.
This came as a surprise to Ankara. Now,
 Ankara is involved in crisis management and the fact that Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu will go to the region is part of the efforts to manage the crisis. 

The Syrian administration is annoyed by Turkey’s involvement with the developments in Syria. It wanted to demonstrate the consequences of [this behavior] to Ankara. One dimension of it was the downing of the [Turkish] F-4 plane [on June 22]. Another dimension is the Syrian Kurds. Actually,
 Turkey had asked Syria to improve the rights of the Syrian Kurds. In fact, Turkey was siding with the Syrian Kurds against the Bashar al-Assad regime. Syria took a reverse act and tried to score against Turkey by strengthening the PKK against other Kurdish groups. The Syrian administration dropped a crisis into Turkey’s lap by leaving certain areas [in the country] to the coalition.

Actually it had to pull back its forces. Syria not only pulled back forces from the north but also from the Golan Heights and İdlib in an effort to try and regain control over Damascus and Aleppo. Syria is also trying to put
 Turkey in a difficult position by creating an opposition [to Turkey’s policies] and tickling certain (domestic) sensitivities. But I don’t think Ankara will panic. It is facing an unforeseen risk and is now thinking about how to deal with it.

Who is controlling the Syrian Kurds? How influential is the
 PKK or Barzani’s Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in northern Syria?

It is known that the
 PKK has a traditional [support] base [there], but it is not a large one. On the contrary, the groups close to Barzani were more influential. But in the course of the past year, as relations with Turkey became strained, the Syrian administration took steps to strengthen the PKK.

This means that after sending
 PKK leader [Abdullah] Öcalan out of the country, Syria continued to harbor the rest of the PKK elements on its soil, and respective Turkish governments did not do much about it.

Not really. The current situation is very new.

But nothing comes out of the blue in one day.

The fact that the
 PKK has been enjoying influence among Syrian Kurds was related to the internal dynamics of the PKK. This was not something encouraged by Syria until this past year. There were different groups within the Syrian Kurds and, in fact, the KDP enjoyed bigger influence among them. As Turkey was uneasy about the presence of Syrian Kurds within the PKK and thought that this was so because they were suffering in Syria, Turkey put pressure on Syria to improve their situation. When Davutoğlu went to Syria [in spring 2011], he asked that Kurds be released from prisons. But when relations became strained with Turkey, Syria took steps not to improve the situation of Kurds but to strengthen the PKK.

Today, [Iraqi Prime Minister]
 Nouri al-Maliki is closer to Syria, while the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is defending the rights of the Syrian Kurds. So Syria took steps not only to give Turkey a headache but also to narrow the KDP’s zone of influence. Kurds close to the PKK were released from prisons; 30,000 Kurds close to thePKK got citizenship. [These sorts of things were not happening] last year. Syria tried to divert the control of the Kurds from the KDP toward the PKK.

But what came as a surprise was the fact that Barzani joined hands with the PYD.

When you look at the statements of Prime Minister [Recep Tayyip Erdoğan], you can see very strong messages against Barzani. But what came more as a surprise is the fact that Barzani did not inform
 Ankara that he would take such a move.

Does that mean that Barzani stabbed
 Turkey in the back or just let Turkeydown?

I don’t use such expressions because they are being used in
 Turkey as part of anti-Kurdish rhetoric. Barzani probably thought he could pull this off. But I think he made a big miscalculation.

This has taken place at a time when relations between
 Ankara and Barzani have never been better.

That’s correct. I do not know how Barzani took that decision. Did he consult with third parties or take the decision on his own? I rather think he acted on his own. And I think
Ankara is very annoyed by it.

The most important issue between Iraq’s central administration and Barzani is the oil issue. I can’t believe the latest agreements were made with Chevron without Turkey’s guarantee to let the oil reach international markets despite al-Maliki’s objection.

Actually, Barzani might be thinking of establishing an energy corridor via Latakia and therefore bypassing Turkey. But this is a very low probability. There are also Arabs in the north and they are supporting the Free Syrian Army which is stronger than the PKK. If the PYD allows room for the PKK, this might lead to Turkish cross-border operations.

What might be the other reasons that led Barzani to act in this fashion?

I can only speculate. As the KDP was losing ground in the north as Syria was strengthening the PKK, it might have tried to regain ground among Syrian Kurds via the Arbil agreement [under which the fragmented Syrian Kurdish movements, including the PYD, were united]. Barzani might have thought that he could not do this at the expense of the
 PKK and therefore entered a relationship with a group affiliated with the PKK [with the aim] of controlling and managing it while also increasing his legitimacy among the groups close to the PKK. But this does not legitimize the fact that it was done without informing Turkey. This shows that he thinks he is really strong. But I think he will review his stance.

What do you think
 Turkey will do now?

I think the issue of the transfer of energy sources to
 Turkey will be on the agenda. This is the most important trump card in the hands of 

Turkey. It will be conveyed at least that there could be counter moves for those unilaterally taken steps. But I don’t think things will come to that stage.

Barzani, however, will be told about the consequences of instability in the north of Syria. A state of instability is a situation where anybody can do anything. If the
 PKK becomes very active [there] and starts hurting Turkey’s interests, [Syrian] groups that are close to Turkey could become mobilize as well. The Free Syrian Army has already stated that it could even fight the PKK [although] the priority right now is [fighting] the al-Assad administration. 


Saturday, 28 July 2012

Slaughter In Iraq As 145 Are Killed And 379 More Are Wounded

Slaughter In Iraq As 145 Are Killed And 379 More Are Wounded

Global Research, July 24, 2012

A second day of intensified attacks left at least 145 Iraqis Killed and 379 more wounded. The attacks, mostly bombings, seemed to focus on security personnel in Sunni-dominated areas. Several more bombs were defused, while others exploded without leaving casualties. A large number of attacks and casualties always leads to conflicting figures as separate authorities report different numbers. Also, more casualties are expected in at least Taji where bombs demolished several residential buildings.
Yesterday, violence struck south of the capital after a short respite from a surge in attacks that began in June. The deadliest day last month saw 107 dead and 384 wounded, but at least 500 were killed throughout the month.
Today’s deadliest attack occurred in Taji where at least 42 people were killed in a series of five or six explosions. Security forces were successfully targeted, but the bombs also leveleda row of civilian homes. Residents were seen digging through the rubble looking for even more casualties. One suicide bomber may have been involved. About 40 people were wounded.
Militants attacked a base in Duluiya killing 15 security personnel and wounding four more. A fifth soldier was kidnapped.
Thirteen soldiers were killed in an attack on their base in UdhaimTwenty-three more were wounded when forces chased the fleeing insurgents and were struck by several bombs.
Sixteen people were killed and at least 29 more were wounded in a blast targeting government offices in Sadr City.
In Mosul and Baaj, at least 11 people were killed in attacks. One suicide bomber was also killed before he could do any harm. At least eighteen people were wounded.
Eleven people were killed and 40 more were wounded in various attacks on checkpoints in Diyala province.
In Baghdadthree people were killed and 31 others were wounded in a blast at a Husseiniya restaurant. Three more people were wounded in a separate blast. A blast killed one person and wounded seven more in Jihad. A sticky bomb killed a police colonel.
Eleven people were killed and at least 39 more were wounded in a series of at least eight bombings in Kirkuk province. One al-Qaeda leader was killed, while another insurgent killed himself in jail.
A bomb in Diwaniya killed five people and wounded 35 others. An angry crowd then marched on government buildings in protest over the failure in security. One protestor was killed and at least two-dozen more were wounded.
Bombs in Tuz Khormato left one dead and 40 wounded.
A motorcycle bomb in Muqdadiya killed two people and wounded 11 more when it exploded in a marketplace.
One person was killed and nine more were wounded in a bombing in Tarmiya.
A car bomb killed one soldier and wounded 10 more in Heet.
Three people were killed and six more were wounded in other attacks in Salah ad-Din province.
Gunmen stormed a policeman’s home in Balad, where they wounded four family members.
Four policemen were killed and four more were wounded in a motorcycle bomb in Ramadi.
Twelve policemen were wounded in a landmine blast in Sinjar.

 Global Research Articles by Margaret Griffis

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Iraq blacklists Chevron for Kurdistan deals

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq has decided to blacklist Chevron Corp and bar it from signing any oil deals with the oil ministry after the U.S. major purchased stakes in two blocks in Iraq's Kurdistan, the oil ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.
"In line with Oil Ministry policy based on the constitution, the Oil Ministry announces the disqualification of Chevron company and bars it from signing any deals with the federal Oil Ministry and its companies," the statement said.
(Writing by Ahmed Rasheed, editing by William Hardy)

Monday, 23 July 2012




Fiili siyasi hayatım 2003 yılının ilk aylarında başladı..Şehit M.Kemal Yayçılı ile ..
Bugün 2012 yılının son aylarındayız…
Ortaokuldan beri yani 14 yaşlarımda iken rahmetli yayçılı"nın ağabeyi Mustafa Tahsin bir gurup genci tanzim etmeye başladı (o zamanlar gizli teşkilatlar vardı).. 1972 de büyük Türkmen boykotuna katıldım.
O yıllarda Kerkük'te Türk kültür Merkezi vardı orada Türk dili eğitimi
9 yıl 4 aydır Kerkük il meclisinde bir Türkmen üyesi olarak çalışmaktayım..bir zamanlar bana aslan dediler ,yaşlısı ,genci ,kadını ,erkeği …
Görevim süresince ister Kerkük ister haklı davamızı doğru bir şekilde Irak"ın bütün üst düzey sorumlularına, Avrupa parlamentosu dahil ABD ,Almanya Hollanda ,Brüksel ve Türkiye de yüze yakın konferans ve toplantılara katılmışım..

Bu toplantıların büyük bir kısmının anavatanın katkısıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir…

Türkiye sevgisi anne baba sevgisinden çok çok daha fazladır her kanı temiz Türkmen içinde. O devletin varlığı benim için öncülüklü bir hedeftir , O devletin büyümesi dünya Türklüğünün varlığının sürmesi demektir , bizler onsuz sahipsiz yok olmaya mahkum bir topluluğa benzeriz , bunu herkes bilsin..

1950 ile 1990 arası , Türkmen önde gelenlerin (aydın kesim ,doktur eczacı ,edebiyatçı ,mühendis …gibi) ağabeylerimizin büyük bölümü Türkiye devletinde okumuş ,mezun olan insanlarımızdı bunların da bir kısmı hale anavatanda güzelce hayatlarını sürdürmekteler… 

Kimseye minnetim yok biz Türk doğmuşuz ,Türkçe yaşarız ve ölürüz..
Biz IRAKI kendimize vatan görmüşüz ,bu vatanda yaşama şartları neyse,nasılsa ona katlanmaya mecburuz ....yoksa vatana eyvallah diyeceksin…

Türkiye de kim hükümet olursa olsun bizi kendi kaderimize bırakamazlar ve bırakmazlar bunu da iyi bilelim..ama ne yazık ki toplumumuzda son altı ayda ne meçhul yazarlar çıkmış ortaya ,eli kalem tutan 1000 yıllık devleti topa tutuyor…yazık.. 

Bir IRAK TÜRKMEN CEPHESİ var ,hatası ile doğrusu ile yıllardır Türkmen halkının tek cesur ve şer"ii savunucusu ..

ITC de çalışanlar biziz Türkmenler, hata, eksiklik varsa biziz sorumlusu 
Bizden başkasını suçlamak büyük haksızlıktır.
Sivil toplum iyi toplum yetiştirmiyorsa, öğretmenler ve öğrenciler birliği, birlik olmuyorsa, eğitimde başarısızlık varsa, sanatkârlarımız molalarımız birbirini sevmiyorsa ve en önemlisi biz meclis üyeleri, milletvekilleri, bakanlarda görüş ayrılığı varsa… Bütün bunlardan kendimizi ak çıkararak başkalarının üstüne atmak hiçbir ahlaka yakışmaz…

Birde ELLER var …Eğeri Eller var ..Bencil eller var ..bu ellerin işi bu büyük kuruluşu yıpratmak ,kirletmek ,çamur atmak…bunu yapanlarda hiç birisi ITC de kayıtları olmayan ve hatta kayıt olmayı da akıllarının ucundan geçirmeyenlerdir.

Bu eller ucuz paraya kiralık ellerdir… Bunlar bir örgüt çoğu 20 yıldır kerküke gelmemiş veya bir defasına fotoğraf çekmek için gelmiş…

Ve yıllardır bir laf dolaşıyor ortada (elimizi cebimize koymasak başarılı olamayız)…ve bize siz memursuz hitap ediyorlar..TM kimse elini tutmuş mu ..koy elini cebine ..gel bir ITC kimliği çıkar ,ver 10 dolar katkın olsun bu davaya , topla 50 bin kişi versinler ayda 10 dolar aidat , yap 3 televizyon programı bilgilerini ve birikimini paylaş…gel Yer bul kendine bu davada ve YAR OL YARAMAZ OLMA. Ama nafile gelmezler ve gelemezler, bunlar yazı yazarken bile sahte ad kullanmaktalar… Nerde o cesaret o yürek…
Sizden talebim yalnız susun bizi rahat bırakın kendinize yazık ediyorsunuz…

Gelelim ITC nin stratejisine 

Ülkeler stratejilerini kendi halklarını menfa tına göre çizerler, partilerde bağlı oldukları toplumun refahı, geleceği ve değerlerine göre hareket etmelidirler.

İstişare etmek herkesin ve her aklın yoludur.

Irakın liderleri, hatta başbakanı, Amerika. İran, Avrupa, birleşmiş milletler gibi devlet ve kuruluşlarla her zaman ve günlük istişare içindeler
Acaba başbakanın veya Nüceyfi nin babalar ve ya anavatanları Amerikan mı yoksa İran mı?


Explosion in Turkey hits Iraq oil pipeline

Explosion in Turkey hits Iraq oil pipeline

A picture shows the aftermath of a fire on the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline on July 21, 2012 in MardinTurkish officials have blamed the explosion on Kurdish separatists

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An explosion has shut down twin pipelines that carry oil from Iraq to the Mediterranean.
The blast happened on Friday night on a stretch of the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline in the town of Midyat, in south-east Turkey near the Syrian border.
Firefighters have now put out the fire, but it is unclear when the pipeline - which carries a quarter of Iraq's oil exports - will be back online.
Iraqi officials blamed Kurdish separatists for the explosion.
Separatist group the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has claimed responsibility for other attacks on oil and gas pipelines, sometimes cutting oil flows from Iraq for days.
However, it has not yet been confirmed that this explosion was the result of sabotage.
Friday's attack only hit the pipeline which carries oil from the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, but a second pipe which runs parallel was also shut down as a precaution.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Iraq’s oil exports to fall for a third month in July

Iraq’s oil exports to fall for a third month in July

Iraq's terms deter oil, gas explorers at auction
Southern exports fall to 2.07 mbpd so far in July; Northern exports lower than usual on Kurdish row; Exports down each month since reaching April's record rate
July 19, 2012 12:00 by 
Iraq’s oil exports are set to fall for a third month in July to below 2.4 million barrels per day (bpd), according to shipping data and industry sources, a setback to hopes Iraqi supply will compensate for lower output from sanctions-bound Iran.
Exports from Iraq’s south have averaged 2.07 million bpd in the first 18 days of July, less than last month, according to shipping data, while northern Kirkuk crude shipments have also dropped, say shipping agents and an Iraqi official.
“We do not have enough availability for exports,” a senior Iraqi oil official said of Kirkuk shipments. “Kirkuk exports for July are running between 300,000 bpd to 350,000 bpd and are likely to remain at that level next month.”
Without a recovery in the rest of July, that would mean Iraq’s exports have fallen for a third month from April’s post-war record of 2.5 million bpd. Rising Iraqi supplies earlier this year had helped to keep a lid on oil prices as Western sanctions targeted Iran’s exports.
Southern exports have declined so far in July from as much as 2.14 million bpd in June as poor weather hampered shipments in the early part of the month. A rise in southern exports as new Gulf terminals came into operation had led to the jump in April’s exports.
Iraq’s northern shipments have declined from above 400,000 bpd earlier this year. This is partly a result of Iraq’s Kurdistan region announcing in April it was halting its exports because firms operating there were not getting paid by the central government.
While the senior Iraqi official said Kirkuk exports are running at between 300,000 bpd and 350,000 bpd, shipping data points to even lower supplies.
According to shipping sources and traders, only about 260,000 bpd of Kirkuk has been exported from the port of Ceyhan and by pipeline so far in July, down from a loading programme scheduling almost 400,000 bpd.
Due to reduced supplies there are loading delays of 10 to 15 days and some customers have cancelled August Kirkuk cargoes, the Iraqi official sources said.
Nonetheless, he said Iraq was aiming for overall exports of 2.4 million bpd to 2.5 million bpd this month and next by pushing up southern shipments. The Halfaya oilfield, operated by China National Petroleum Corp., is now pumping at least 80,000 bpd, helping to boost flows.
In addition to seabourne crude, Iraq exports small amounts of crude via truck to Jordan, estimated at 10,000 bpd. Turkey said earlier this month it had begun importing 5 to 10 road tankers of crude from northern Iraq daily.
(Editing by James Jukwey)